Exciting news! The High Altitude Trailer Co community is growing. Earthship Overland LLC (EO) and High Altitude Trailers have officially partnered up to add EO as our newest dealership. They will be serving the Central Denver and Douglas County area. We believe that EO is committed to the same great level of service and quality that is part of the HAT Co DNA.
“We’re thrilled to be the Denver Central Dealership for High Altitude Trailer Company! Working directly with this awesome, local off-road adventure trailer manufacturer is a great opportunity for Earthship Overland to introduce a premium product to our outdoor enthusiast community at an incredible value! These adventure trailers are built with attention to detail and high standards by a friendly and professional group of people!”
Doug Armstrong, Owner
Earthship Overland LLC
Stop by and say hello to Doug and his family soon and see how they can help you enjoy the wild!