Teardrop trailers typically feature a wood body, sometimes with an aluminum skin, but manufacturers large and small have been moving away from the wood and toward all metal and composite constructions. The latest to roll into our field of view is the High Altitude XT50, a foam-core composite shell filled out with a cozy sleeper interior and tailgate galley. Tack on the standard solar panel, Pioneer audio system and ruggedized off-road construction, and you’re touring parts unknown in a fully modern tiny cabin with wheels.
With its bright, glossy coloring, gritty Line-X-covered nose and rounded edges, the 16-foot (4.9-m)-long High Altitude XT50 immediately stands out from the crisp-edged wood/aluminum teardrop pack. And it should — its shell is actually a 1.3-in (3.3-cm)-thick foam core composite. High Altitude explains that it creates two halves and fuses them together with two adhesives and more than 30 screws.
Read full article: https://newatlas.com/outdoors/high-altitude-composite-teardrop-trailer/